BIG owns the interesting market with this Flight of the Week

Last Updated: August 2, 2024By

This week we are going BIG. Well, sort of. It’s not often that you will find me anywhere south of I-40 or even more so I-240. But, if you do, it’s probably at one of the impressive varieties of breweries in Norman. For whatever reason these breweries have chosen to stick it out in no man’s land and it seems to have paid off. This week I stopped in at BIG Brewing Co. BIG for those that don’t know stands for Beer is Good and it is damn good. Like a lot of breweries in Oklahoma, BIG was founded by beer geeks that loved sharing their beer with friends. These guys chose the interesting route. Instead of trying to brew as much beer as possible in one sitting, they do small batch brewing. 

If you have read any of my writings about beer, you know that I want something interesting, which sadly is an odd statement for a lot of breweries. Not for this one, BIG owns the interesting market. As you cruise through the menu it’s clear that they treat beer with a level of fun that gets lost in breweries. The names of the beers make you smile and the flavor combinations make you very curious. Yes, if you want just an ordinary beer, they have something like that too. BIG also stands behind their quality. With small batch brewing they are able to be scientific in their approach. Water tailored to each style of beer they brew, fresh perfectly selected hops, malts and grains as well as locally sourced ingredients when possible. 

This is making me thirsty, again. Let’s get to the flight. My first request with a flight is always seasonal, so since it’s somewhere in the 1000 degree area, I want light and refreshing. Then I want something flavorful, but not too hoppy. My final requirement is interesting, and so far in my latest flight journey, they have taken the crown. We started with the Summer lovin Belgian Wit, followed up by the Siren’s song Golden ale, went on to the Flight of the Concords New England IPA, and finished off with Panda Jam a fruited IPA. It may have been a drive by fruiting.

  • Summer lovin’ Belgian wit  4.7%

    Smooth, light and refreshing. Great start to a flight to get you cooled off and warmed up for a great round. Belgian wheat is that happy place that I like to retreat to when I just need something warm and comforting. 

  • Siren’s song golden ale 5.8% 

    Key lime, floral taste, light and a refreshing shock to the taste buds. This one took my by surprise as I dove in it had an initial floral taste from the hops, but hits you in the mouth with some very refreshing key lime notes. It has a sweetness, but not too much. I ended up getting a 4 pack of this to go because it was so good. 

  • Flight of the concords hazy IPA 7.3%  

    New England style interesting is the best term, definitely IPA but with a backend taste that comes from the grape must. They used a New Zealand hop that gives you a very unique taste that is familiar, but not too much. But then the grape must amps up that juiciness. I also can’t say talk about this beer without sharing one of my favorite Flight of the Concords songs. 

  • Panda jam fruited IPA 7.5% 

    This beer is like it’s name, unique. It’s very beer forward but lingers with the strawberry and raspberry notes. It’s not fruity in the way that you would expect it to be fruity. The fruit is subtle but creates a unique flavor and sip. It’s well worth diving into. 

There you have it. A brewery worth visiting and a flight worth taking a shot at. Go give this flight a try. I am pretty sure you will love it. The atmosphere is pretty great also. 

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